George ZimmermanTrayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin- The Verdict of Injustice

By July 14, 2013 No Comments

The not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman harkens me back to the Dred Scott decision, that blacks “had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.

My heart hurts for Trayvon Martin’s parents, who were essentially told that their son’s life
had no value and that the boy they raised and loved, didn’t count. As a mother, I can only imagine the pain in their hearts as they left the courtroom. 
I heard his mother say that she believed in the justice system, but she received only injustice.

I’m also sick and disgusted that over and over again when innocent Black youths have been
killed, the people that committed the murders were exonerated because of the “fear defense,” and the jurors empathized because they identified with the fear. “i thought he was reaching for a gun,” when he was reaching for his wallet, “I thought they were armed,” when a nine year old girl is killed.

I believe in law and order, I believe in self-defense, I’m glad when intruders are shot breaking into someones’ house, but I’m sad and angry when innocent people are killed, beaten up, and jailed because they are labeled, and stereotyped when all they wanted to do was live their lives, feel safe in the world, or return home from buying a box of skittles.