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Technology + Workaholism = No Life

By November 13, 2009 No Comments

Technology + Workaholism = No Life

A journalist called me today to ask whether technology helped or hindered life/work balance. She said that she had spoken to several people who told her that “smart phones,”  “Skype,” smaller laptops etc. just furthered their workaholic behavior, and that they had even less of a personal life because they were always connected.

Is it the fault of technology or the fault of the person using it?  If your whole life is your work, then you’ll use your technology to keep yourself busy, and not take time to enjoy your friends, family or personal life.

If having a well-integrated life is important to you, you’ll find ways to use technology to your benefit. Instead of being in your office waiting for that one important email, or having to go into work when you don’t feel well, you can take your smart phone with you to the movies, or to an event and check it periodically for that email.  You can bring your laptop with you, and use technology for video conferencing when you need to stay at home and rest.

Carve out time when you won’t check email, answer the phone, or just be available. It’s up to you if you want to be at everyone else’s beck and call. Don’t blame your cell phone.