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How to Manage Holiday Stress Hotspot #1

By November 21, 2009 No Comments

Holiday Stress Hotspot #1: Gifts 

* Make a list of everyone you need to buy gifts for.

* Look for gifts you can buy for multiple people. Similarly, look for stores where you can buy many gifts for a lot of people. 

* Plan a few back-up gifts, generic gifts with blank cards for people you might forget or who unexpectedly give you a gift. 

* Focus on the point of gift giving: showing your appreciation for someone. Enjoy the process of finding them something they’ll like. 

* If you don’t like shopping, plan a single gift shopping day. Make this day sooner than later to avoid the holiday shopping craze. 

* Or, don’t go shopping. Thanks to the internet and catalogues, there is enough time to order gifts so you don’t have to leave your house or office. 

* Better yet, take off the whole month of December and go to the mountains where no one can call, email or page you.